The Business Corporation as a Political Actor


16 - 18 March 2022

Workshop: Democracy and the Corporation

This workshop took place from May 23rd to May 25th, 2022, at Leusden ISVW. With a focus on business corporations, the workshop explored their history, theory, governance, and sustainability. Divided into three parts, the event covered various dimensions of the corporate form and its implications. Participants from diverse backgrounds, including law, economics, philosophy, and finance, contributed to the interdisciplinary discussions. The workshop aimed to foster a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. The sessions delved into the historical and theoretical perspectives of corporations, examined debates on corporate governance reforms and corporate purpose, and explored the intersection of corporate finance and sustainability. Experts shared their insights, research findings, and recommendations for aligning corporations with purpose-driven approaches and sustainable practices. The event provided a valuable platform for engaging with the multifaceted aspects of business corporations, paving the way for further exploration and collaboration in this field.