Work in Progress…
Here you can read more about each of the project members’ current research interests and plans.
If you would like to learn more about our work in progress or if you see any interesting opportunities for collaboration, please do reach out to us!
This page was last updated on March 18, 2024.

Rutger Claassen
The Constitution of the Corporation
In October we organized a conference with the project of Marija Bartle on “Transforming Ownership in Times of Overlapping Crisis”. We had great discussions with academics, policymakers, entrepreneurs and politicians. Our main findings are presented in a blog post which...
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Ugur Aytac
Economic Theories of the Corporation
My paper "In Defense of Shirking: Worker Resistance vs. Managerial Power" has recently been accepted for publication in Political Theory. In it, I argue that slacking off at work can be a valuable practice of resistance against illegitimate managerial power....
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Barbara Bziuk
Theory of Social Justice for Corporations
Recently I've been working on a chapter of my thesis that looks at the way business corporations take responsibility for justice. Many social justice projects and campaigns initiated by business corporations seem to promote justice, and yet, they are strongly...
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Philipp Stehr
Democratic Accountability of the Corporation
As the final year of my PhD has just started, I am now mainly busy with making existing ideas and drafts into suitable chapters for my dissertation. Currently, my focus is on a chapter about the accessibility of democratizing business...
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